After a planes, trains & automobiles itinerary - including a missed connection in LA, and a one-way rental car - I'm in Palm Desert for Demo. For those of you who aren't here in the warmth of southern California (84 degrees today), you can watch Demo live (though I'm assuming this doesn't include a remote wander through the demo pavilion).
Free remote video from conferences still takes some getting used to. When we first launched Conferenza back during the tech boom, confererence producers often looked askance at our in-depth reports from their events, believing that their content was their crown jewels. Our sharing information from the inner sanctum to people who hadn't paid to attend seemed like theft to some of them. Of course, this didn't include Demo producer Chris Shipley, who has always been a gracious supporter of Conferenza. But there were more than a few producers who did their utmost to hamper the escape of their information.
Today's a different story. From TED to Pop!Tech, a conference's content is now its greatest attractor. And conference producers aren't shy about using it as their best advertisement.
Looking forward to seeing the parade of 39 companies over the next few days; I'll be doing video interviews for IdeasProject, and blogging when possible.
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