So Jason says the word is out the previous panel was perhaps too gentle on the presenting companies, so this time the panel began with a more circumspect line of questioning.
Cubic Telecom CEO Pat Phelan defended his company's service allowing customers to make international calls at drastically reduced prices.
Andreesen repeated his concerns with these companies, as he had with the first panel, on distribution strategies. The Netscape founder, who has made numerous successful angel investments and said he had a small stake in CastTV, one of the first round presenters, said the companies had ambitious aspirations.
"These are not shrinking violet companies that have small ambitions," Andreesen said. "If you hit the moon that's great. If you don't, there's a lot of empty space out there."
Session 2: Mobile & Communications
Monday, 11:00am - 12:15pm
* Cubic Telecom - (Ireland) mobile phones calls at low cost internationally
* Yap - (Charlotte, NC) Spoken voice-to-text IM application for mobile phones
* Trutap - (Cambridge, England) startup synchronizes mobile applications
* Ceedo - (Israel-based) making PC-based applications portable on mobile drives and phones
* Loudtalks - (St. Petersburg, Russia) provides downloadable push-to-talk capability
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